Research has shown that women need two hours more of sleep than men. "Scientists say women suffer more than men, both mentally and physically, if they are forced to skimp on their sleep."
(Daily Mail. (2013, December 21). Duke University scientists find women need more sleep than men. Retrieved from
Here are a few steps to try throughout the day to help with a good night sleep:
- Skip Snoozing
Don't snooze in the morning. Snoozing makes your body and brain confused. When your alarm goes off, your brain gets the message that it is time to wake up. When you snooze, the brain gets the wrong message that it should go back to sleep, which is not that deep. This makes your body more tired. I have never used my snooze button. I always set my alarm the latest time I can wake up, and I get up as soon as it goes off.
- Don't Just Wake Up... Get Up
As soon as your alarm goes off, get out of bed.
- Morning Exercise
Exercise in the morning. I always feel like the later I work out in the day, my body will be full of energy by the time it's bedtime and I have a harder time going to sleep.
- Eat Carbs
Who doesn't like to eat carbs?! Eating carbs for dinner helps your body relax and go to sleep better. There is a reason carbs are called "comfort food". But give yourself at least three hours before going to bed after eating carbs.
- Read A Book
Reading before bed helps the brain escape all the day's activities. I find that reading a novel or a memoir would help me fall asleep sooner.
- Avoid The Lights
Get rid of all the lights and glare in your bedroom, such as cell phone lights, laptops, tablets. If you put your cell phone as far to your bed as possible, not only will this help with the sleep process, but it also will make you get out of bed in the morning to turn that alarm off.
- Stay Cool
Sleeping in a cool bedroom is more pleasant than in a hot room.
- Shake It Off
Leave your worries and anything that's on your mind out of the bedroom door. I find that writing down whatever that's on my mind, will it be any worries, tomorrow's to-do list, etc, helps to get them off my mind, before bed.
- Apps
Using sleep tracking apps helps you know more about your sleeping habits. The one app that I like is Sleep Time, free on iTunes. It analyzes your sleep, the depth of your sleep, how long of a deep sleep you had, what times were you awake during the night and lots more. I use this app to know about when I woke up during the night, why I woke up and if there is anything I can do to lower that amount.
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